COVID SAFETY at Fitness alive

At Fitness Alive, we take our community’s health and safety seriously. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we’ve taken proactive steps to create a place where our community members of all ages could feel safe while continuing to stay the course toward their swimming and fitness goals. We truly appreciate your partnership and support.

We continually reassess our procedures and protocols based on new recommendations. As of now, the policies below outline what is in place at Fitness Alive, based on local and federal guidelines and mandates. Changes to this plan may happen at any time and are communicated via email to active clients.

Our COVID Safety Protocols

Face Mask Policy

Face masks are optional at all Fitness Alive locations. Swim Coaches may wear plastic face shields during lessons and classes if they choose.


  1. Swimmers who feel sick must stay home. Visibly ill clients will be asked to leave at Fitness Alive’s discretion and late-cancel fees will apply.

  2. If a staff member feels ill, he/she will stay home. If it is a swim coach, a sub will be provided or lessons will be canceled at no charge.

  3. For persons exposed to COVID or those who receive a positive COVID test result, we will follow the CDC’s quarantine guidance, as described here. Please alert us immediately at if your swimmer is directly exposed to COVID or has a positive test result so we can make the appropriate schedule adjustments.