Face Mask Update for Fitness Alive

Hello, swimmers!

We hope you are healthy and well. We were heartened with the news this morning that the City of Philadelphia has lifted its mask mandate for indoor public spaces. It means our city is moving in the right direction and we couldn’t be happier.

For your planning purposes, Fitness Alive will continue its indoor masking policy and all of our COVID Safety Protocols for the time being. That means you should continue to wear your mask in our facilities at all times except when swimming.

Our plan is to watch what the School District of Philadelphia decides regarding indoor masking in the coming days, and then update our own policies at that time. We will email you with these changes when it happens, likely within the next week.

We know some of you may be frustrated with this decision. We know others of you will feel relieved. Please understand that our intentions are always — and have always been — to consider the health of our far-reaching Fitness Alive community, keeping in mind the context of our work and how we do it (i.e. at times requiring close contact between staff and clients).

Thanks for your patience as we safely take this to the finish line.


Holly and Emily
Fitness Alive co-owners