Spring Registration Is Almost Here!

Spring has already sprung here at Fitness Alive. We’re excited to announce our Spring 2022 Swim Session! Fall Term ends December 19th, and Spring runs from January 4th until May 27th.

Registration for Spring kicks off next Tuesday, November 16th (see below). As a preview, Spring Session details and pricing are now available on our website. When it opens, registration will be for the following services:

{Psst! Looking for adult instructional swim classes? You can drop in to those anytime! Learn more here.}

Enrollment for Spring 2022 will roll out in three phases on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, November 16 - Early Registration for Current Swimmers. Currently enrolled swimmers may re-enroll to continue their swim lessons. Invitations to register are sent via private email.

  • Monday, November 22 - Early Registration for Waitlisted Swimmers. Get on the waitlist for private lessons or the waitlist for kids’ classes to receive an enrollment invitation during this phase. Invitations to register are sent via private email.

  • Monday, November 29 - General Registration. This phase remains open until all remaining spots are filled.

Wanna bypass session registration all together? Don’t forget about Last-Minute Swimmers and Jr. Lap Swim, our programs for single-book appointments when it’s convenient for you.

Here are a few reminders about registration for our current swimmers so you don’t miss the boat on re-enrollment:

1. You must re-enroll.

Lesson bookings do not roll over from Fall to Spring. You must re-enroll to keep swimming. 

2. You must complete all THREE registration steps.

Our online registration process has three steps, and you must complete ALL THREE STEPS to re-enroll.

3. You may need to pick a new day, or a new instructor.

Our schedules change each season, just like yours do. Sometimes our instructors are no longer available at the days and times you might be used to. If you need to switch instructors due to a schedule change, we are happy to make a recommendation! Email our scheduling team at appointments@fitnessalivephilly.com.

4. We’re people (and parents!), too.

We understand that re-enrollment can be stressful. It’s a beast for us, too! Our small team works to place hundreds of swimmers at two locations for each lesson term. It’s a lot of work, yes, but there’s a reason we do it: We want your swimmer to love swimming, and to succeed. We work to ensure everyone is placed with their best possible coaching match, and this takes time! As we work our hardest to give you the time, attention and patience you need to make the best choice, please extend that courtesy to us as well. If we can work together as a team, we all win.